Adhan: (Azan) the call for prayers
Afaqi: one who lives outside the Miqat boundaries, outside Al Hil.
Allahu Akbar: The phrase means “Allah (God) is great”.
Bayt Allah: Another name for a mosque, in general
Bismillah: This word means “in the name of Allah”.
Ghusl: Bathing oneself
Hajj: official Muslim pilgrimage to Makkah.
Hadith: A narration by a Companion about the life of the Prophet (peace be upon him) or a narration transmitted from the Prophet, usually indicating what is acceptable practice and what is not
Halal: Allowed, permitted
Abaya’: cloak-like, woolen wrap.
Halq: Shaving the hair on one’s head (see also Taqseer)
Al-Baqee’: a place in Madina.
Haram: Sacred land. The Holy City of Makkah has been a Haram since the time of Ibrahim. The Holy City of Madinah was declared a Haram by the Prophet.
Iddtibaa’ (Iztaba, Idtiba): the passing of the Reda under the right arms and over the left shoulder, thus leaving the right shoulder bare.
Jamrah: Monument in Mina.
Muzdalifah: one of the ceremonial shrines of Hajj, between Mina and Arafah.
Ihram: the state of abstaining from committing certain acts that are normally permitted. It is the state into which a Muslim must enter to perform the hajj (major pilgrimage) or the umrah (minor pilgrimage).Ihrama term used to denote the garment worn by pilgrims who have entered the state of ihram. The garment consists of two seamless pieces of white cloth, worn by men throughout the Hajj and designed to remove all marks of distinction between one man and another.
AlMarwah: name of the hillock where a Muslim begins Sa’yi.
As-Safaa: name of the hillock where a Muslim ends his last lap of Sa’yi.
Al-Raml: walking quickly but with small steps during the first three circuits of Tawaf.
Izarr (Ezaar): the cloth covering the lower part of the body
Kaaba: The sacred house lying at the heart of the Holy Sanctuary (al Masjid al-Haram). The building is a large stone structure constituting a single room with a marble floor. The Kaaba is Islam’s holiest shrine.
Labbayk: Means “Here I am, at your service”
Arafah: the most important stop during Hajj, located beyond Muzdalifah.
Ar-Ramy: The Stoning.
Mihrab: Prayer niche, in front of which the Imam stands when leading prayers.
Miqat (Meeqat): one of five places (stations) that pilgrims must not cross before they are in a state of ihram if they intend to enter al Masjid al Haram for Umrah or Hajj.
Dhul-Hijja: the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar.
pbuh (PBUH): peace be upon him.
Qibla: the direction in which Muslims should face in order to perform salat (prayer), namely towards the Ka’bah, in Makkah.
Maqam Ibrahim: the stepping stone of the prophet Abraham.
Mina: one of the ceremonial shrines, a valley near Makkah.
Quran: the Holy Book of Islam, the word of God vouchsafed to his Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Rakaat (Rakat): one unit of Islamic prayer.
Rida’ (Reda’): the cloth covering the upper part of the body.
Sajdah: the act of prostration, particularly in the performance of Salat.
Salat: the Muslim practice of performing prayers five times daily in the prescribed manner.
Sunnah: the way the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) lived his life.
Talbiyah: An invocation to be spoken out loud: ‘Here I am O Allah, (in response to Your call), here I am. Here I am, You have no partner, here I am. Verily all praise, grace, and sovereignty belong to You. You have no partner.
Tawaf: circumambulation of the Kaaba.
Wudu (Wudhu): ablution.
Wuquf: stopping at a particular place for a given period.
Zawal: the time in the day when the sun is at its zenith.